UnderMine Wiki


Boss(es) are greater enemies of the Peasant. These enemies are stronger than the usual ones and also come with a set of dirty tricks, which makes them harder to beat. They can be skipped using different methods. However skipping them has a penalty, as you cannot Ascend.

Currently, there are only 4 bosses:

  • Selt, a worm-like boss which can be found on The Goldmines 4. She can be skipped by beating the guards at the entrance to the dungeons. Beating her once will provide all Peasants entrance. Selt can still be fought in future runs.
  • Mortar, a golem-like boss which can be found on Delvemore Dungeon 4. He can be skipped to this specific run, by using a lever which also makes you extremely cursed (8 curses). He can still be fought in future runs.
  • Noori, a shadow-like boss which can be found on Halls of Din 4. He can be skipped by kill all Scale Tunnel, Toxic Scale, Winged Scale and Unbreakable Scale with 3 waves. He can still be fought in future runs.
  • Ponzu, a hydra-like boss which can be found on The Shimmering Caverns 4. Currently, he cannot be skipped and is the final boss for now.


For Mini bosses, see The Dungeon Gargoyles, Bathcat and Toadvine, and Rockpile Mimic.
